Monday, October 18, 2010

Tool 9

Skype will be a great tool to incorporate in the classroom.  It is an invaluable resource in which you can connect with a professional or another classroom and give kids an experience they may not normally get.  I plan on trying to skype with another math teacher for a lesson on a topic we are learning. 

Jing is a great tool that I would like to try.  I think it would be great when teaching a new concept as students can see how to work a math problem step by step.  I can send the file to their google accounts so they kids can review the lesson for a reteach or refresher. 

Tool 8

Mrs. Burk's area and perimeter rap is going to be quite useful when teaching measurement.  I think it will be a catchy way for the kids to learn these two concepts.

Mr. Duey's fraction rap will be a great tool to use when reviewing fractions.